Special Forces Group APK gratis terbaru

Special Forces Group APK gratis terbaru
Selamat malam sobat semua kali ini saya akan memposting . Game  nya seru banget loh sobat . Game ini merupakan game tembak tembakan ya sobat . Game ini banyak peminatnya loh sobat . Termasuk saya sendiri ya sobat ini dia judul  game nya Special Forces Group APK gratis terbaru . Download sekarang ya sobat  

Deescription ; 
3D First Person Shooter in real-time.
-Multiplayer Online and Wifi routerя
-3 game mode (Classic,Resurrection,Capture the Flag)
-Confrontation Special Forces teams and teams of terrorists
-5 Characters per team
-17 Maps
-6 Pistols
-3 Shotgun
-3 Submachine guns
-12 Rifles
-5 Sniper-rifles
-1 Grenade
-3 Bulletproof vest
-7 Languages(English,Русский,Espanol,Deutsch,Francais,日本人,中国)3D First Person Shooter in real-time.
-Multiplayer Online and Wifi routerя
-3 game mode (Classic,Resurrection,Capture the Flag)
-Confrontation Special Forces teams and teams of terrorists
-5 Characters per team
-17 Maps
-6 Pistols
-3 Shotgun
-3 Submachine guns
-12 Rifles
-5 Sniper-rifles
-1 Grenade
-3 Bulletproof vest
-7 Languages(English,Русский,Espanol,Deutsch,Francais,日本人,中国)

Screenshot ; 

Special Forces Group APK gratis terbaru

Special Forces Group APK gratis terbaru

Special Forces Group APK gratis terbaru

Special Forces Group APK gratis terbaru

Special Forces Group APK gratis terbaru

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